Kirstin Chernawsky, Erie Neighborhood House

Today we’re speaking with Kirstin Chernawsky, Executive Director of Erie Neighborhood House, an organization with a history of serving immigrant families since 1870. Kirstin began her tenure at Erie in 2013 as Senior Director of Development & Communications. In March of 2016, Erie’s Board of Directors named her Executive Director, making her just the ninth individual - and fourth woman - to serve in this capacity.

In August 2016 Kirstin was named to the Crain's Leadership Academy, a cohort comprised of rising leaders in the nonprofit and business sectors. She also sits on the Board of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights and Chicago Women in Philanthropy.

We learn about:

  • Erie’s services supporting immigrant communities
  • Reflections on her first 8 months in the role at Erie House
  • Offers advice to young leaders and in particular young women on embracing new opportunities
  • Challenges of the State Budget Impasse


 Notable resources:

State Budget Impasse - Mapping the Damage to Illinois' Human Services

Adam Grant, Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success

Kobi Yamada, What Do You Do with an Idea & What Do You Do with a Problem

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